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If you order today, we will ship this item out to you within 24hrs£6.99
If you order today, we will ship this item out to you within 24hrs£11.95
Sorry this item is currently out of stock but we should have more in very soon!£2.45
Sorry this item is currently out of stock but we should have more in very soon!£0.10
If you order today, we will ship this item out to you within 24hrs£0.10
Sorry this item is currently out of stock but we should have more in very soon!£2.60
To Our Valued Customers
Welcome To "Crafts In Mind"!
If you're looking for a reliable online store dedicated to card making and paper crafting supplies, look no further!
Unlike many other online stores, Crafts In Mind was started by a real life artist and dedicated crafter. That's right my name is Mark Powell and I setup this shop not only as a business venture but with the intention for it to develop into a one stop destination for all your card making and paper crafting needs providing quality products at reasonable prices to help you "the customer" further your card making and paper crafting goals.
If you have any questions or queries, don't hesitate to contact us either via our contact us form or simply drop us an email and one of our friendly customer support team will get back to you within 24 hrs.
Go ahead and have fun looking around! Pull up a chair and make yourself at home.
Mark Powell Founder/President, Crafts In Mind